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Threecolts Upgrades: December 2023 🛠️

Thom Choice
December 22, 2023
March 8, 2024

Threecolts Upgrades - December 2023

Welcome to the December release notes! This month, we've rolled out several major upgrades across our platforms to improve your user experience and offer new functionalities. Here’s a rundown of what’s new.

Tactical Arbitrage

Product Update:

Tactical Arbitrage has updated its product search results page to enhance user interaction.

ASIN Mismatch Reporting: The feature has been made more visible and intuitive, making it easier for users to report mismatches, thereby improving the accuracy of search results.


Product Update:

Onsite has launched comprehensive email setup guides. These guides are designed to improve the customer experience and make the onboarding process more efficient.

Email Setup Guides: Topics covered include email and DNS provider checks, Gmail and Outlook setup for support email, mailing log issues, additional mailbox setup, DNS configuration checks, and the importance of authentication for ticketing.

These are accessible to all users through the Onsite Support Knowledge Base.


Major Feature Release:

SellerRunning has introduced new features and enhancements to improve user experience.

Prepaid Label Request: Users can now easily request prepaid shipping labels from the order detail page.

"Has Never Met Criteria" Table: This feature allows users to manage listings that do not meet certain criteria, accessible through the Inventory menu.

Product Price Update Time Range Bug Fix: A major enhancement that ensures more frequent and accurate updates of product prices, including fixes related to BuyBox seller price matching.

As always, we hope these upgrades help in making your experience with Threecolts more productive and enjoyable. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming months!

Learn with Threecolts

Small group workshops to help you learn, optimize, and grow.