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Step-by-Step Guide to Your First Search on Tactical Arbitrage

Tactical Arbitrage
Angela Apolonio
September 10, 2024
September 11, 2024

Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Products that Sell

Tired of spending hours manually comparing prices across different platforms, only to miss out on the best deals? Tactical Arbitrage is here to streamline your online arbitrage game. We’ll turn a time-consuming process into a quick and efficient task. 

In this guide, we'll walk you through each step to finding profitable products with ease, so you can focus on what really matters—growing your business. Ready to make product sourcing easier? Let's dive in!

1. Set Up Your Search Filters

With your account prepped, it's time to dive into the heart of Tactical Arbitrage—setting up your search filters. This step is crucial, as the right filters can help you identify profitable products more efficiently.

Tactical Arbitrage login page
Tactical Arbitrage login page

Start by logging in to Tactical Arbitrage.

Tactical Arbitrage product search tab
Tactical Arbitrage product search tab

Then, head to the Product Search section. There, you’ll see two modes: Basic and Advanced.

Product search page with basic mode and advanced mode toggle highlighted
Product search page with basic mode and advanced mode toggle highlighted

Product Search: Basic Mode

Product search basic mode page, country dropdown, website field, and logo icons highlighted
Product search basic mode page, country dropdown, website field, and logo icons highlighted

Your first task is to select a domain to search within. You'll find a dropdown menu where you can choose from the following countries: USA, UK, Canada, Germany, India, Australia, Spain, France, Italy, Japan, and Mexico. After selecting your preferred country, you can then search for a specific site you want to explore. Or, choose from the available logo icons for quick access. 

Product search basic mode page, categories and values for discounts and costs highlighted
Product search basic mode page, categories and values for discounts and costs highlighted

On the right side of the screen, you’ll see the Basic Filters block—this is where the magic happens. There, you can choose the specific categories you want to check and add values for discounts and prep costs. It’s a great starting point and offers enough flexibility to find potential products without overwhelming you with options.

Product Search: Advanced Mode

Product search advanced mode page
Product search advanced mode page

For those looking to dive deeper, Advanced Mode is where the real power of Tactical Arbitrage shines. Everything is laid out, and you’re offered a more granular approach to setting up your search. Here’s what you can do:

Product search advanced mode page, with toggles highlighted
Product search advanced mode page, with toggles highlighted
  • Toggles: Enable or disable specific options. Choose whether to check sites and products with UPCs only, see only products with matching images, or turn off the duplicate checker. Pro tip: Click on the question mark tooltips to learn more about each toggle.
Product search advanced mode page, with sourcing and selling dropdowns highlighted
Product search advanced mode page, with sourcing and selling dropdowns highlighted
  • Sourcing and Selling: Start by selecting the country you’re sourcing from. Then, select the Amazon marketplace you’re selling to. TA covers 12 marketplaces across the globe: US, UK, CA, DE, AU, IN, JP, ES, FR, IT, MX, BR.
Product search advanced mode page, with website selection dropdown highlighted
Product search advanced mode page, with website selection dropdown highlighted
  • Website Selection: Choose the website you want to source from via the dropdown menu. The available websites will be filtered based on the country you selected. You can filter these sites further by selecting options like All, Popular, Updated, Custom, or Discover.
Product search advanced mode page, with category URL field highlighted
Product search advanced mode page, with category URL field highlighted
  • Category URLs: Use options like Import Bulk Category List, Easy Bulk, or manage your bulk lists with the Manager button.
Product search advanced mode page, start and last page values
Product search advanced mode page, start and last page values
  • Start and Last Page Values: Control how many pages of the categories will be crawled for products. For example, if you want to scan all 317 products in the category and there are 100 per page, set the start page value as 1 and the last page value as 4. Leave blank to scan all available products in that category. 
Product search advanced mode page, with export and search options highlighted
Product search advanced mode page, with export and search options highlighted
  • Export and Search Options: Decide if you want to export your results to Google Drive, name your search, or stop the search after a set duration (3–60 hours).
Product search advanced mode page, with filter settings highlighted
Product search advanced mode page, with filter settings highlighted
  • Filter Settings: Customize your filters by selecting from Beginner, Select, or Last Used filters. If you prefer to tweak your settings further, you can adjust them under specific categories. You'll see Source Price Adjustments, Remove, Source Titles, Costs/Fees, Profit & ROI, and Other Filters at the bottom of the page.

2. How to Set Up Your Sourcing Filters:

  1. Loosened filters: Initially, it's a good idea to not restrict your filters too much. Start broad so you have a larger pool of potential products to evaluate.
  2. Prep costs: Enter your estimated preparation costs as accurately as possible. This includes packaging, shipping, and any other expenses related to getting the product ready for sale. The more precise your inputs, the more accurate your profit estimates will be.
  3. Sales and ROI: Set the minimum estimated sales per month to at least 1 and the minimum Return on Investment (ROI) to 1%. This will help you gather a list of potential products that meet basic profitability criteria.
Product search advanced mode page, with naming and search button highlighted
Product search advanced mode page, with naming and search button highlighted

Once your filters are set, hit the SEARCH button. 

You can run up to four searches simultaneously on most TA plans, except for Pro where you can run up to 10. You can also queue up to 3 searches in the first five plans and up to 20 scans if you’re a Pro user. This means you can explore multiple categories or sites. Tactical Arbitrage does the heavy lifting in the background.

3. Customize Your Search

Once your filters are set up, consider fine-tuning your search to target specific sales or events. TA's powerful customization makes it easier to find profitable products during promotion dates.

5 Day selected in Set Cache
5 Day selected in Set Cache

Set Cache

The Set Cache setting determines how Tactical Arbitrage handles data previously searched by other users. If you leave this set to “LIVE ONLY,” then Tactical Arbitrage will only search sites live and will not check older data from other users. This is the best way to get current information, but it takes longer to perform the search.

There are situations where you may want to check cached data to speed up your product search. For instance, if you’re eyeing a sale that has been ongoing for 3 days, you could select 3 Day in Set Cache. You could be sure the sale prices would be reflected, so the cached data would be nearly as accurate as live data.

(Note: Set Cache is only available once you’ve entered valid seller ID keys.)

Quick search tab
Quick search tab

Quick Search (Optional)

If speed is of the essence, you might consider trying out Quick Search instead. This feature is designed to provide quicker results by serving only cached retailer data previously fetched by other users. No live data is pulled, so you won’t see the most up-to-date prices and may only get a limited selection of items. Still, it can offer an overview of which sites you should take a closer look at. 

4. Run Multiple Scans

Now that your filters are customized, it’s time to start running scans. Tactical Arbitrage offers several options for running multiple scans, so you can cover more ground and find the best deals.

Segment Scans

When focusing on a website with a large scale, it’s often more efficient to segment your scans by specific categories. For example, say you’re targeting a major retailer with an extensive inventory. You can run separate scans for electronics, home goods, apparel, and so on. This way, you'll manage the data more effectively and ensure you don’t miss out on any profitable products.

Product Search tab > Easy Bulk field highlighted
Product Search tab > Easy Bulk field highlighted

Easy Bulk

For broader sites, the Easy Bulk feature is incredibly useful. After toggling it ON, you’ll see a block appear on the right side of your screen. There, you’ll see your selected website’s categories organized into hierarchies. You can easily tick the boxes to include categories in your scan, and even choose which subcategories to exclude. This simplifies the process of creating a bulk list for scanning, and you can save your selected categories for future use.

Note:  The categories are provided by Tactical Bucket for free, and you don’t need an account to use this feature. However, if you’re looking to expand your sourcing options, check out their subscription-based add-on sites you can import to TA.

Product Search tab > category example box highlighted
Product Search tab > category example box highlighted

Manual URLs

If your target categories aren’t covered by Easy Bulk or you just want more control, you can manually enter the URLs for specific categories. On the left-hand side, there’s a box for category URLs. Once you’ve selected a website, you’ll see a Category Example box appear on the right side. It’ll show an example of how the URL should be formatted, ensuring you paste the correct URLs. 

To find the category URLs, simply visit the site either manually or by clicking the blue icon beside the website field. Navigate to the category pages and copy each URL from the address bar. You can add up to 25 category URLs. Just press enter after each one to separate them.

5. Analyze Your Results

Once your scans are complete, it’s time to dive into the results to see the most promising products. This step is crucial, as it allows you to sift through the data and separate the profitable opportunities from the duds.

View Data tab > Advanced and Basic mode toggle highlighted
View Data tab > Advanced and Basic mode toggle highlighted

To access your results, navigate to the View Data tab under Product Search. Here, you can revisit all the results of your scans. Note: Ensure that Advanced Mode is toggled on to unlock more detailed data. 

View Data tab > “You are watching” dropdown highlighted
View Data tab > “You are watching” dropdown highlighted

In the “You are watching” dropdown, select the specific scan results you want to analyze. This is where naming your scans comes in handy, as it helps you quickly choose the relevant results. If you prefer, you can also choose “All Results” to see everything at once.

View Data tab > filters and other options at the top highlighted
View Data tab > filters and other options at the top highlighted

Within this tab, you have several tools at your disposal to refine your analysis. You can set up filters, exclude certain titles or ASINs, or use pre-saved options to narrow down your focus. 

View Data tab > column re-arrangement options highlighted
View Data tab > column re-arrangement options highlighted

The columns in your results can also be rearranged to prioritize the information you want to see first. A recommended setup is to arrange the columns as follows: data chart, product image, Amazon image, title, Amazon title, gross profit, and price. This layout allows you to quickly assess key details and make informed decisions in one glance.

View Data tab > Update Data buttons highlighted
View Data tab > Update Data buttons highlighted

After narrowing down your options in the View Data tab, it’s important to ensure you have the most current information. For the most accurate analysis, click on Update Data to refresh source and adjusted prices, Amazon data, or all data. Additionally, there’s an orange button in each data row that allows you to update specific items as needed.

A gentle reminder: As you review your results, you’ll likely find a mix of products. Some will be “gemstones” (highly profitable), while others will be “coal” (unprofitable). Be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true, as they might be bundled items or have other hidden issues that skew the data.  

6. Refine Your Search

If you want to take your search a step further, refine your filters to uncover even more deals. This optional step is particularly useful if you skipped the detailed analysis in Step 5 or if you’re looking to dig deeper into your results.

Here are a few options to explore:

Product Search tab > UPC Also Check UPC Products for Image Matches toggle highlighted
Product Search tab > UPC Also Check UPC Products for Image Matches toggle highlighted

Check UPC Products for Image Matches

In the Product Search tab, toggle this switch ON if you want the tool to check for image and title matches on Amazon. This is for products where Amazon has a matching image but lacks a matching UPC code. This feature can uncover hard-to-find items, but be aware that enabling it can double your search time. Note: This switch is hidden if you have the UPC Sites and Products Only option toggled ON.

Product Search tab > Show Amazon Out-of-Stock Results toggle highlighted[
Product Search tab > Show Amazon Out-of-Stock Results toggle highlighted[

Show Amazon Out-of-Stock Results

This option is found under Other Filters in the Product Search tab. Toggling it ON will include results for products currently out of stock on Amazon, which can present unique opportunities.

Product Search tab > Show Reverse Search Results toggle highlighted
Product Search tab > Show Reverse Search Results toggle highlighted

Show Reverse Search Results

Also located in the Other Filters section, these toggles allow you to include reverse search results. Toggle UPC sites and Title/Image Sites options ON to broaden your search. It’ll also provide a more comprehensive view of available products.

7. Analyze Potential in Tactical Edge

Tactical Edge is where you can get the real scoop on a product’s market potential. It lets you dig into specifics like competitor pricing, estimated sales, and stock levels. You can then use these insights to have a clearer picture of whether a product is worth the investment.

Here’s how to access Tactical Edge:

Analysis tab > Tactical Edge section highlighted
Analysis tab > Tactical Edge section highlighted

  1. Analysis Tab: Head over to the Analysis tab in the left-hand menu. Select Tactical Edge. Paste the ASIN/UPC and the Price to Compare. Then, click Fetch Information.
View Data tab > Tactical Edge section highlighted
View Data tab > Tactical Edge section highlighted
  1. View Data: In the View Data tab, look for the microscope icon in the product row (under the Selling New column). Click it to run the Tactical Edge scan.
Legacy dashboard > Tactical Edge section highlighted
Legacy dashboard > Tactical Edge section highlighted

You can also access Tactical Edge at the bottom of TA’s legacy dashboard. 

Note: Make sure you’ve authorized Tactical Arbitrage to connect to Amazon via the Amazon Authorization page before using this feature.

8. Make Your First Arbitrage Purchases

Now that you’ve analyzed your data, it’s time to make your first purchases.

If you’re just starting out, consider buying smaller quantities of several products rather than going all-in on one item. This approach helps you gain experience, test the waters, and build confidence without taking on too much risk.

As you come across products in restricted categories, don’t forget to apply for ungating. Gaining permission to sell in these categories keeps your options open and expands your inventory.

Bonus Tip: Sign up for Online Arbitrage Newsletters

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of product searches, it’s a good idea to set yourself up for success with a few optional steps.

Salesgazer homepage
Salesgazer homepage

One effective strategy is subscribing to online arbitrage newsletters. They can keep you in the loop about upcoming sales, discounts, an product trends. Services like even consolidate deals from various platforms. This lets you stay ahead of the competition without having to scouring the web yourself.

Additionally, you can earn greater profit by taking advantage of available discounts. Cashback sites like Rakuten or TopCashback offer a percentage of your purchase back as cash. This will add a bit more cushion to your margins. 

RevROI screenshot
RevROI screenshot

Discount gift card sites like Raise or tools like Christopher Grant's RevROI can also help you save more and further boost your bottom line.  

Ready for faster product sourcing? 

Tactical Arbitrage is more than just a tool—it gives you the edge you need to find those hidden arbitrage deals that others miss. 

Start small and experiment with different strategies. Continuously refine your approach. Soon, you'll find yourself navigating the world of online arbitrage with confidence and success. After all, the opportunities are endless. And with Tactical Arbitrage at your fingertips, you’re equipped to make the most of them. 

Get started with a free trial of Tactical Arbitrage today.

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