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9 Best Walmart Product and Keyword Research Tools to Boost Sales

Geri Mileva
July 15, 2024
July 30, 2024
Best Walmart Product and Keyword Research Tools

Walmart is an e-commerce marketplace that needs no introduction. It’s North America’s second biggest platform, with global net sales totaling $642.6 billion dollars in 2024. Just looking at its steady growth, with a 6% increase from the year before, any online seller would benefit from optimizing their Walmart stores and growing their business.

The path to online purchase is highly competitive. Thousands of sellers are after the same thing: ranking on top of search engines and getting that first click from customers. An intelligent SEO strategy is essential to stay ahead of the game, and a key component is product and keyword research.

Though these may seem quite basic, they are foundational elements that can greatly affect whether your products appear at the top of the results page. Being among the first on the search engine results pages is one of the biggest competitive edges you can have on large e-commerce platforms like Walmart.

With close to 37 million customers every day—that’s more than 255 million customers every week—the potential for sales at Walmart must be maximized. To increase your chances, there are tools that are designed to optimize product and keyword research. This article covers the basics and goes through recommended tools to help you do just that.

What is Product and Keyword Research?

In online marketplaces like Walmart, keywords can make or break a sale.

Why is this so? Every product’s sale depends on its visibility, and with about 50 to 60 million products to choose from, the ones that end up at the top of search engine results pages get most of the spotlight. For comparison, did you know that the first organic result on Google Search gets 28% of all clicks?

In e-commerce, this creates a need to understand which relevant search terms can put your listings at the top of the page. Product and keyword research refers to the process of identifying all the keywords within your product or category and analyzing which ones are top-performing. 

Every product category has its own high-performing keywords that are not up to mere chance or luck. Based on current product listings, historical and present market trends, and competitor data, one can assess which keywords people use most often and which ones drive conversion. 

If you’re not aware of what these keywords are or how to do the research, you may be missing out on the following: 

  • Increased visibility in search engine result pages
  • Increased customer traffic
  • Increased conversion and sales
  • Insights into what customers are searching for online
  • Data-backed strategies for future listings 
  • Increased rankings over time

These are just a few reasons why product and keyword research are worth investing in. Understanding them is essential to winning in online marketplaces like Walmart.

What are the Different Types of Keywords?

Some keywords are stronger than others. Before we dive into the tools, it’s helpful to understand the basics. All listings include one or more of the following keywords: 

  • Branded. This listing makes use of a brand name. It’s straightforward and highly effective, but only if the brand name is recognizable if you have loyal customers, and if your brand has better recall versus competitors. If a brand is not well known or has a bad reputation, it may not be the most effective keyword.
  • Product Terms. This is a description of the product without mentioning the brand name. These terms are often used to describe what the product can do or what features it has. Sample product terms could be “durable phone case” or “disposable washcloth.” 
  • Substitute Product Terms. These are essentially synonyms of product terms. The keyword “jacket” could be substituted for “coat” or “outerwear.” Knowing substitute product terms can tell you more about close matches that users are searching for. 
  • Complementary Product Terms. These terms are related to or may complement the original product. These may be applicable to products that are consumed together, such as: “plastic spoons” with “plastic forks” and “plastic plates.” Or, for a store selling clothes, a complementary product term could be: “hangers.”
  • Audience Terms. Any other search terms that don’t fall into the previous categories are known as audience terms. These can be colloquial words, trending terms, or other natural-occurring keywords that customers use.

What are the Best Walmart Keyword Influencers?

Now that we know what kind of keywords there are let’s look at how Walmart identifies the best keywords. There are different factors that the platform studies:

  1. Search intent. This essentially answers the question: what are consumers looking for? In a marketplace like Walmart, the intent is likely to buy something. Customers won’t be searching for product details or reviews on the platform. If someone is shopping online, what kind of phrases might they use? They’re more likely to search: “running shoes” versus “the best running shoes in 2024.” 
  2. Search volume. This refers to the average monthly searches for a word or phrase. When a keyword is effective, it’s going to show a high search volume. The most frequently used terms for a product or category are called “high-volume keywords.” This is what users are searching for on their phones, and knowing this is important in setting your SEO strategy. For instance, if more people are searching for “headphones” vs. “earphones,” then it tells you which search term is more effective.
  3. Long-tail keywords. Long keywords are those that contain three or more words. The general rule is that longer keywords have a lower search volume than short-term keywords. However, this is not always a bad thing. Often, long-tail keywords are used by buyers who know the specifics of what they want. They may be more likely to convert the search into purchase. 
  4. Short-tail keywords. These are one to two generic terms. For example, shoes, jeans, and laptops. These broad terms are popular and, therefore, have high search volume and high competition. While more commonly searched, they may not always drive conversion.
  5. Keyword competitiveness. The more competitive a keyword is, the more likely sellers are “competing” by using it on their listings. This is both a good and a bad thing: high competitiveness often follows high market demand. It’s most likely being used because it drives sales. The trick is knowing what words to use to stand out so your listing isn’t simply a copy of all the others. Modifying a listing by incorporating long-tail and short-tail keywords can help it become unique to your store.
  6. Keyword conversion rate. This refers to the effectiveness of each keyword in driving sales. What the platform wants is to convert searchers into buyers. Naturally, keywords that don’t drive conversion aren’t valuable on e-commerce marketplaces. Knowing which particular keywords lead to purchase will help you create product descriptions and choose keywords that will make a sale.

What are the Best Walmart Keywords?

Search engines often have their own rules when it comes to ranking search results. Walmart considers these three factors in determining the best keywords:

  1. Content. Firstly, they look at the quality of the listing. This includes the keywords used, the accuracy of the product description, the inclusion of attachments such as photos and videos, product titles, and appropriate product categorization. The ideal content listing gives the customers complete and helpful information about the product.
  2. Offer. Now, this refers to everything that makes the listing enticing for buyers. Price, shipping cost, shipping speed, and inventory levels are some of the factors they look at. They may also compare this offer against other similar listings to determine which one is the most appealing to customers.
  3. Performance. This references more of the seller’s historical background. It considers details such as the number of items sold, seller responsiveness to inquiries and buyers, seller order defect rate, and even adherence to selling policies. The platform will naturally reward sellers who have a history of high sales and high response rates and consistently follow their policies.

What are Walmart's Product & Keyword Research Tools?

Let’s move on to the tools that can help sellers expertly navigate Walmart’s algorithm.

These e-commerce tools are software or platforms that provide data and insight regarding Walmart products and keywords. This may include information about product listings across the whole site, tracking competitor activities, presenting current market trends, identifying profitable products, and optimizing sales strategies specific to Walmart.

With their help, sellers can gather all the essential information, such as sales metrics, pricing, customer reviews, and product performance data, in just a few seconds. Some tools even generate insights and action points that can help you plot your next sales plans. Apart from providing a wealth of market information, it also saves users a ton of time.

These e-commerce research tools are designed to help you gain a better understanding of what sells in your category, how users behave, and what drives buyers to purchase.

What are the Benefits of Using Walmart Product & Keyword Research Tools?

Investing in quality products and keyword research will often require sharing data and even paying a subscription fee. Before you commit to one, it’s important to know just what you can get out of them. Here are a few ways these tools will help your overall performance at Walmart:

Quickly Identify Sales Opportunities

Product and keyword research tools can help you see which products are trending, selling fast, or have already sold out. Understanding market demand down to the search terms is useful in determining which items to stock up on in inventory, which ones your competitors may or may not offer, and which ones to feature to make your store the top choice.

Platform-Optimized Product Listings

These tools can help you check and edit your current listings to make them more compelling and effective and, thus, more likely to rank higher in Walmart’s algorithm. Products that tick all the boxes see increased visibility, which then lands on the screens of more customers and results in more sales.

Track Competitor Strategies

These tools make it easier to know what your competitors are doing. They can help you see data such as competitor pricing strategies, product launches, and current promotional efforts. Knowing what other sellers are offering can help you identify what will make your store stand out. It can even inform decisions such as price adjustments, updating product catalogs, and giving out special deals. 

Craft Better Sales Strategies

With tools to guide you, your business decisions are backed by reliable strategies that come from real consumer behavior, accurate market trends, and relevant Walmart data. This creates better opportunities for growth and sales.

Tools and Resources for Product & Keyword Search

Now that we understand what product and keyword research is for, as well as what the Walmart algorithm looks for, let’s look at the tools that can do the work for your e-commerce store:


Dataspark by Threecolts

This solution by Threecolts is built specifically for Walmart marketplace sellers. DataSpark offers a suite of tools that cover product research, keyword and listing optimization, arbitrage, and competitor intelligence. It even functions across multiple business models and works seamlessly with other Threecolts tools to supercharge businesses on Walmart.


The Keyword Ideas tool by Perpetua is quite similar to Walmart’s existing Keywords Analytics Tool. It allows users to search for traffic and associated terms and then shows which keywords have high potential for eligibility and ROI to help you reach your Walmart goal.


Powered by machine learning, Algopix uses advanced algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and predict potential success across various marketplaces. This means they’re able to analyze products not just on Walmart but even on Amazon and other platforms. This allows users to get valuable insights on a broader scale and identify profitable areas in more than just one marketplace.


This tool does more than the research. It also helps sellers execute the next steps to bring their e-commerce strategies to life. That’s because WallySmarter enables users to identify profitable products, optimize listings, manage inventory, and analyze competitor data. It’s also tailored specifically for the Walmart marketplace, so the data and insights are all relevant to the platform.


With features such as Reverse Product Search, real-time Keyword Tracking, and Keyword Discovery, Sellegr8 is equipped with tools to keep you at the top of your category. It has a dashboard to help you monitor your keyword ranking every second and even see competitors’ top-ranking keywords to create more aggressive strategies. 

Keyword Tool Dominator

This free Walmart Keyword tool can help you identify the most popular keywords to optimize your product listings. It pulls data from real Walmart customers and displays the “hottest” keywords, generating thousands of them in just a matter of seconds. From there, you can sort it according to the relevance and explore other hot keywords for increased reach. These searches are targeted according to country, so your searches are highly specific. It’s particularly helpful for finding longtail keywords.


This Walmart solution provider is an AI-driven platform that supports all aspects of e-commerce. Trellis provides tools for keyword research, dynamic pricing algorithms, and other approaches to boost business efficiency at Walmart.

Helium 10

As an all-in-one suite of powerful tools designed for Walmart sellers, Helium 10 covers product research, keyword optimization, listing optimization, and competitor analysis. Their extensive research tool is also able to execute multiple keyword search options as well as backend keywords. Though it has advanced functionalities, its interface is easy to navigate and highly intuitive, making it easy to maximize profits. 

Jungle Scout

This tool by Jungle Scout offers insights into product research, sales estimation, and competitor analysis on e-commerce platforms like Walmart. Its wide range of product features is great for both small-time sellers and larger stores. They provide an accurate sales estimation, comprehensive product research, keyword research, product tracker, and even a Chrome extension.

Choosing the Right Product & Keyword Search Tools

With so many options for Walmart e-commerce tools, you might be wondering which one is right for your brand. When it comes to choosing, consider answering these questions:

What does your brand you need? Identify your main reason for using a Walmart product research tool. Do you want to optimize your current product listings or simply track competitors’ terms? Understanding your e-commerce goals will help you single out the best options.

What features are your priority? Now that you know what you need out of an e-commerce tool, what else do you want? What other key features can work in tandem with your essential tool? Which ones can complement the feature that is your top priority? 

Are they compatible with your current tools or systems? Is there an opportunity to integrate tools already in your e-commerce arsenal? Do your current tools or providers offer their own version of a Walmart product or keyword search? This is an important consideration for a seamless workflow.

Do they offer a free trial period? Nothing beats firsthand experience. A free trial period allows you to check whether the platform is easy for you to use if the features meet your demands and expectations, and if the product is ultimately useful for your brand. Take advantage of tools with free trials or demos before paying a fee to commit to one straight away.

How much is the monthly subscription? Budget is also a key consideration when it comes to finding the right tools for your brand. Note that the cheapest will not always be the best. Make sure to compare product plans and subscription feels against key features to find the tool that has the best value for money.

Do they offer customer support? Back-up support is an important component of any useful tool. In case the software faces issues or you come up with questions while you use it, are they equipped to answer your concerns? An effective tool includes accessible, accommodating, timely, and well-informed customer service.


This article explains the significance of product and keyword research for selling success in Walmart. What might seem like a very basic element in your product listing can actually dictate where and how your products appear on Walmart’s search engine result pages. The key takeaway is that doing research on the best-performing keywords is essential for higher product visibility, more traffic, and an increase in sales.

This knowledge, along with the right tools, can help sellers maximize their online profits and stay on top of the market. With many product and keyword research tools available, accessing the data and creating better strategies for Walmart is something you can do starting today. 

To supercharge your e-commerce business, consider checking out other Walmart marketplace tools and solutions and learning more about Threecolts’ full suite of seller tools for Walmart.

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