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Top 7 Amazon Seller Scanner Apps 2024

Geri Mileva
October 20, 2023
May 7, 2024
Top amazon seller scanner apps - Amazon Seller App Page

In the rapidly changing world of e-commerce, where AI-powered tools have revolutionized Amazon operations, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. One efficient way to thrive in the digital era is to embrace technology fully. Leverage technology to collect product data, make accurate forecasts, and streamline operations. An Amazon seller scanner app is a prime example of one of the digital tools available to help you succeed.

What Is an Amazon Seller Scanner App?

An Amazon Seller Scanner App is a powerful tool for informed decision-making by Amazon sellers. These apps are easily downloadable to a smartphone or tablet and streamline product selection, pricing strategies, and inventory management. By scanning product barcodes, users instantly receive data that includes current prices, sales ranks, competitors, estimated profitability, and more.

An Amazon seller scanning app is especially valuable for retail arbitrage, where sellers buy a product in one market and resell it at a higher price on Amazon. Amazon seller scanner apps also simplify your workflow, making data-driven decisions easy. 

Here's how they work:

  • Data Collection: These apps scan Amazon's extensive product database to gather price information, sales rankings, reviews, and more. This data retrieval can be through Amazon's API or web scraping.
  • Data Analysis: Once collected, the data undergoes analysis to provide valuable insights. This includes identifying profitable products, estimating potential profits, predicting sales trends, and more.
  • Real-Time Updates: The app monitors Amazon, ensuring your data stays current.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The app presents data in a user-friendly format, making product browsing and decision-making easier.
  • Additional Features: Depending on the specific app, you may find extra functionalities like inventory management and competitor analysis.

By automating these steps, Amazon Seller Scanner Apps empower you to make data-backed choices, enhancing efficiency and profitability promptly.

What Are the Benefits of Using an Amazon Seller Scanner App?

With over two million active Amazon sellers, competition is fierce. An Amazon seller scanning app offers these benefits:

Inventory Management. 

Easily track and manage inventory levels.

Example: Use the app to scan barcodes on your products to update stock quantities in real-time, preventing overselling.

Competitive Pricing

Quickly compare prices of similar products to set competitive pricing.

Example: Scan a competitor's item in-store to see its Amazon price and adjust your pricing strategy accordingly.

Product Research

Identify profitable products by scanning barcodes or UPCs.

Example: Scan a potential product at a trade show to check its Amazon sales rank and reviews before sourcing it.

Listing Creation

Streamline the process of listing new products on Amazon.

Example: Scan a product's barcode to automatically populate product details, making creating a new Amazon listing faster.

Sourcing and Arbitrage

Find products to resell profitably by scanning items in retail stores.

Example: Scan clearance items in a store to identify products with a significant price difference on Amazon, allowing you to buy low and sell high.

Top 7 Amazon Seller Scanning Apps

Consider these popular seller scanner apps to boost your Amazon retail arbitrage business.

  1. Amazon Seller App

Tailored for registered Amazon sellers, the Amazon Seller App streamlines e-commerce management. It facilitates tasks like listing products, sales tracking, order fulfillment, and customer support through mobile devices. Sellers can quickly download and install the app on their smartphones. The app offers a straightforward sign-up process if you're not an Amazon seller. This versatile app simplifies various selling aspects, enabling convenient on-the-go management and optimization of Amazon stores.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Product Insights: This advanced scanning tool provides valuable information, including the current selling price, number of sellers, estimated profit, seller eligibility, Best Sellers Rank, and product conditions.
  • Efficiency: The scanner feature promptly processes thousands of products, saving you time in evaluating potential inventory. This allows you to identify profitable items quickly and make informed sourcing decisions.
  • Real-Time Data: Access the latest information on product prices, sales rankings, and customer reviews. This ensures your pricing aligns with current market conditions and customer feedback.
  • Inventory Management: Easily monitor stock quantities in real-time, simplifying inventory management and enhancing supply chain efficiency.
  • Product Listing: Utilize tools for listing creation and photo enhancement to make your listings more appealing to potential customers.
  • Manage Sponsored Product Campaigns: The app includes features for managing Sponsored Product campaigns if you use Amazon's advertising platform. Monitor ad performance, adjust budgets, and refine your advertising strategy for improved visibility and sales.
  • Estimated Profits: Gain profit insights for both FBM and FBA methods, aiding informed fulfillment choices for your inventory.


  • Ideal for budget-conscious novice sellers.
  • Suitable for both Individual and Professional plan sellers.
  • Offers access to Seller Support.


  • Doesn't integrate with Google, eBay, and Keepa to track prices.
  • Offers fewer features compared to certain third-party tools.


  • Free

Compatibility: Android, iOS

  1. ScoutIQ
Screenshot of the ScoutIQ Page

ScoutIQ is an Amazon seller scanner app tailored for enterprise-level professional sellers specializing in book reselling. It lets you scan a product's barcode to access crucial data like sales rank, current price, number of sellers, and profitability. Additional features include price alerts, historical sales data, and inventory tracking. ScoutIQ has recently joined Threecolts, a comprehensive cloud-based software suite for Amazon businesses.

Key Features:

  • eScore: Gauges a book's demand by counting the days it sold within the last 180 days. It's a valuable tool to assess a book's historical popularity, helping you avoid pitfalls tied to fluctuating sales ranks and the need for additional data analysis.
  • Smart Triggers: Uses a complex analysis of factors, including Prime prices, all Used prices, the Used Buy Box, and Amazon's pricing, to suggest a realistic list price. It also accounts for shipping costs and Amazon's fees to estimate your net profit.
  • Downloadable Database: In Database Mode, you can scan books up to five times faster than live data. This offline access is valuable when scanning books in areas with poor connectivity, like remote thrift stores or dusty library basements. ScoutIQ's database updates twice daily for up-to-date pricing information.
  • Speed Mode: Scan books non-stop using your phone's camera and instantly view results at the top of your screen, all within the camera view.


  • Set buy triggers directly in the app.
  • Simplified screen for quick scanning.
  • Access live mode and database mode for scanning without Wi-Fi or signal.


  • App usability can be cumbersome with multiple additional steps.
  • The database download process can be time-consuming.


  • $14/month with live mode only
  • $44/month for unlimited live mode and database mode
  • 14-day free trial

Compatibility: Android, iOS

  1. Scoutify 2
Screenshot of the Scoutify 2

Scoutify 2 is InventoryLab's mobile scouting app, designed to assist you in making informed purchasing decisions while on the go. It lets you swiftly scan barcodes and access vital product details, including price, potential profit, and ranking. Unlike the Amazon Seller App, it's compatible with third-party apps, expanding your options for managing your Amazon business efficiently.

Key Features:

  • Bluetooth Scanner Support: Provides quicker and more efficient barcode scanning support. This is a valuable feature, especially for avid retail arbitrage sellers who seize every opportunity to scan barcodes.
  • Ideal Buy Criteria: You can pre-define specific criteria for products you seek, and Scoutify 2 will display a "thumbs up" when a product matches your preferences.
  • Detailed Search Results: The app provides extensive data for each item, including Product Name, ASIN, Number of Offers, Current Rank, Amazon Category, and the total number of Products in that category. This comprehensive view allows quick assessment to determine which products merit further research.
  • Buy Box & Sold by Amazon Info: Scoutify 2 reveals the number of current offers for the product, identifies the Buy Box holder, and whether Amazon is selling it.
  • Buy Lists: For users of InventoryLab, Scoutify 2 offers the convenience of creating "buy lists" directly from the app. This integration streamlines your workflow for a more efficient selling process.


  • Access comprehensive insights with InventoryLab, providing account management tools for reports, sourcing, and bookkeeping.
  • Achieve precise profit calculations as taxes are factored into the final price.
  • Lightning-fast scan.


  • Limited to Amazon Professional account sellers, not available for Individual account sellers.
  • Limited customer support options.


  • $69/mo.
  • 30-day free trial  

Compatibility: Android, iOS

  1. Profit Bandit
Screenshot of the Profit Bandit Page

Profit Bandit is a valuable tool for Amazon sellers, whether you're just starting or getting repeat customers. This app simplifies product sourcing by scanning barcodes and estimating potential profits based on various factors. It also provides features to guide product selection, pricing, and inventory management decisions.

Key Features:

  • Profit Calculation Based On 15 Factors: Profit Bandit calculates your estimated Amazon profit using over 15 factors, such as weight, Amazon fees, cost of goods, and shipping rates.
  • Restricted Item Alerts: The app warns you when a scanned item can't be listed on Amazon (requires signing into Amazon for this feature).
  • Highlighting Amazon's Offer: A brown box highlights Amazon's offer, indicating competition with Amazon itself.
  • Lightning-Fast Scanning: Scan any barcode in five seconds, or even faster with a Bluetooth scanner.
  • Buy Box Insights: An asterisk beside an offer reveals who currently holds the Buy Box, which isn't always the lowest-priced option.


  • Connects to your Seller Central account, enabling item listings directly from the app.
  • Integrate Keepa and CamelCamelCamel for access to historical pricing and sales data.


  • Requires a paid subscription.
  • Demands significant battery power.
  • Operates exclusively with a Wi-Fi connection.


  • $9.99 per month

Compatibility: Android and iOS devices

  1. ScanPower
Screenshot of the ScanPower Page

ScanPower goes beyond being a simple barcode scanning app; it's a comprehensive Amazon FBA business management system. ScanPower streamlines product sourcing and inventory management, helping sellers scale their businesses more efficiently. It also offers a version of ScanPower Mobile, with all paid subscriptions, catering to Amazon Pro merchant sellers.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Feature Set: ScanPower is a product scanner and inventory manager, offering the convenience of two essential tools within a single app.
  • Real-time Pricing and Listing Creation: Ideal for Amazon FBA sellers, ScanPower provides instant pricing information and supports one-touch listing creation. It also offers Boxt, a feature that simplifies box content management by generating 2D barcode labels or sending box content information directly to Amazon.
  • Advanced Sales Reporting: Enables you to efficiently manage inventory while tracking expenses like shipping, taxes, and other fees.
  • Competitive Analysis: The app's scout tool empowers you to monitor the competition through price history graphs, unified sales rank data, and product sales history.


  • Compatible with Bluetooth scanners.
  • Provides real-time market pricing and demand data for any Amazon product.


  • Comes with a high price tag.
  • Clunky layout navigation.


  • Amazon Seller: $79/mo.
  • Enterprise: $199/mo.

Compatibility: Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and Linux

  1. Keepa
Screenshot of the Keepa Mobile Page

Keepa is a robust Amazon price tracking and analytics tool that empowers sellers to make informed choices regarding pricing, inventory management, and product selection. It offers historical price and sales rank data, among other insights, enabling sellers to spot profitable products, establish competitive prices, and enhance their Amazon operations. monitors a vast database of over 3 billion Amazon products globally.

Key Features:

  • Historical Price Tracking: Monitors price histories for millions of Amazon products, revealing price fluctuations over time. Sellers can utilize this data to spot profitable products, establish competitive prices, and avoid overpaying.
  • Sales Rank Tracking: Follows sales rank data for millions of Amazon products, offering insights into product performance. Sellers can identify high-demand items and steer clear of low-performing ones.
  • Profitability Calculator: Computes potential profits by considering current and historical prices, FBA fees, and more. This tool aids sellers in making informed pricing decisions and ensuring they remain profitable.
  • Price Alerts: Notify sellers of price changes for their selected products, enabling them to stay competitive and secure the best possible prices.
  • Inventory Tracking: Keeps tabs on inventory levels, helping sellers ensure they always have the products customers want in stock. This reduces stockouts and enhances customer satisfaction.


  • Access all features directly on Amazon using our browser extensions.
  • Real-time pricing and availability information.
  • Quickly discover and manage tracked products.


  • The mobile version can be a bit cumbersome.
  • Requires a learning curve.


  • Free, with basic features.
  • €19/mo. for paid subscription

Compatibility: Android, iOS, Firefox, Google, Opera, Edge, Safari

  1. SellerAmp
Screenshot of the SellerAmp Page

SellerAmp is a versatile 3-in-1 tool comprising a Chrome extension, a web-based app, and a mobile app. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools for product research, pricing, inventory management, reporting, and beyond. Utilizing "Sourcing Analysis Simplified," SellerAmp simplifies the process of understanding critical indicators, aiding you in sourcing profitable products for sale on Amazon, whether through retail arbitrage, online arbitrage, or wholesale.

Key Features:

  • Quick Info: Access essential data such as maximum cost, profit, and ROI.
  • Alerts: Effortlessly check for ungated and approved status, as well as potential issues like Hazmat, Dangerous Goods, IP, or PL concerns.
  • Ranks and Prices: Access current and historical product BSR, Buy Box information, sale prices, and estimated sales figures.
  • Profit Calculator: Receive a detailed breakdown of costs, fees, taxes, profit, and ROI. Adjust the cost and sale price to gauge the impact instantly.
  • SAS Smart Search: With the SAS Chrome extension, you can access your analysis on any website with a single click or keyboard shortcut.


  • Access interactive Keepa data charts.
  • Swiftly compare prices for FBM, FBA, Amazon, and buy box prices.
  • Alerts panel provides valuable information about IP issues, Amazon's buy box percentage, and more.


  • Slow customer support response times.
  • The service comes at a premium cost.


  • Getting Started Plan: $16.63/mo.
  • Getting Serious Plan: $$23.29/mo.
  • 14-day free trial

Compatibility: Android, iOS, Chrome

Must-Have Amazon Seller Scanner App Features

Determining which features are essential for your Amazon seller scanner app largely depends on your business needs. However, as your retail arbitrage business grows, certain requirements become more apparent. 

Here are key features to consider when selecting your Amazon seller scanner app:

Offline Database Searching

While not essential for everyone, the ability to perform database scanning can be crucial. Some locations, like shopping malls or big box stores, may have poor mobile phone reception, making an internet connection unreliable. In such cases, the option for offline database searching becomes crucial.


Look for apps with criteria that trigger a 'thumbs up' or 'thumbs down' based on your sourcing preferences. This feature simplifies on-the-go sourcing, eliminating the need for mental calculations before purchasing.

Buy Box and Sold by Amazon Info

When scanning a product, knowing which offer currently holds the buy box and whether Amazon is selling it is invaluable. This information provides quick insights for decision-making.

Profitability Calculator

The scanner app should include a built-in profitability calculator, letting sellers calculate potential profits promptly and accurately for each product.

Sales Rank History

Access to historical sales rank data is crucial for understanding product demand trends. This feature allows you to make informed decisions by assessing how a product's popularity has changed.

Customizable Profit Margin Thresholds

The ability to set personalized profit margin thresholds is essential. You can define your minimum acceptable profit margins, and the app will provide alerts when potential products meet or exceed these thresholds, making the sourcing process more efficient.

Integration with Amazon Seller Central

Seamless integration with Amazon Seller Central is crucial for efficient listing and inventory management. Ensure that the app offers this functionality to streamline your operations.

Final Thoughts

As the Amazon marketplace grows, more apps become available to assist sellers. Amazon seller scanner apps are among the many tools designed to enhance your Amazon business. These apps have transformed how Amazon sellers manage their operations, offering a range of features that boost efficiency and profitability. New and seasoned Amazon sellers can explore the apps above to see which fits their objectives.

Threecolts offers exceptional tools to stay competitive not just on Amazon—but on other e-commerce sites. It's a comprehensive cloud suite tailored for Amazon businesses, offering diverse products to support e-commerce entrepreneurs and help them succeed on Amazon and beyond.

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